Through our free SCOPAY app, parents can manage their child’s account easily.
Our system is fully integrated, and SCOPAY provides a secure place for parents to make payments, bookings, and order school meals.
Schools can import pre-admission pupils, meaning they can contact new parents, and get them to set up their child’s SCOPAY account ahead of new academic year.
What parents can do in the SCOPAY app

Secure payments – collecting and handling money is simple and safe. There are multiple payments methods for parents including GooglePay and ApplePay. They can also store card details to speed up the process even further next time.
Manage their account information – password, email, billing details, payment agreements and see live balance information.
Link accounts – siblings are managed from one login, even if they attend different schools.
Multiple logins for parents – also, multiple users can be linked to each child. Therefore, in situations where parents are separated, or grandparents require logins, each user has their own, secure, login details.
Account history – parents can check back to view their order history, payment history and receipts.
Donations with Gift Aid – streamline your fundraising efforts and enable parents to donate with a variety of payment methods, through their SCOPAY account.
Depending on your school’s configuration of the modules, parents can also manage:
Cashless catering – view their current balance, top-up and also see a transaction history.
School meals – view the dinner calendar, preorder and pay for lunches.
Bookings – view the school’s club calendar and book club sessions and trips.
School trips – book onto a trip (even if it is free), or other enrichment clubs, complete any form, give consent and then pay. This means no more paper forms to get lost. Plus, parents can import trips to their mobile calendars.
Breakfast and after school clubs – book and pay for wraparound care.
School shop – purchase school items, such as unform, kit, stationery, revision guides, etc.