Extracurricular activity clubs play a vital part of a pupil’s development. They offer opportunities to try out different sports, develop their skills and form meaningful connections. A school activities club, such as a football club or athletics club can be an enriching and engaging platform for children to explore their passion for sports.
Whether they are long-distance runners or keen footballers, joining an activities club can offer numerous benefits that extend beyond physical ability.
Enhance physical fitness
Your school athletics club provides children with a structured environment where they can hone their skills. Regular training sessions and competitions not only promotes a healthier lifestyle, but also helps them refine their techniques, improve endurance and boost their fitness.
Boost confidence and competitive spirit
Competing in sporting events can be challenging, but being part of a club allows pupils to build their confidence in a supportive environment.
This experience can significantly improve their confidence and motivation, which are beneficial in academic and professional settings, pushing their limits and striving for personal bests.
Encourage teamwork
Being part of an activities club teaches children how to support each other and develop a strong sense of sportsmanship. Teamwork skills can be valuable in many aspects of life beyond school, into their future career.

Streamline your club management with booking software
Managing your activities club involves a fair amount of organising. Implementing a simple booking system will help to simplify the organisation for both the school and the parents.
Set up your activity club – set date ranges, place limits, prices and discounts.
Embedded forms – make it easy to collect consent and any other information from parents.
Manage bookings and payments – make it easy for parents to book and pay for their child to attend any activity clubs you run. Manages availability in real-time.
Communication – create cohorts to send notifications and reminders to keep parents updated on your club’s schedule plus any upcoming events or competitions, as well as any other important announcements.
Record expenditure – you can also record any expenditure within the software, such as external staff, equipment, etc.
Track attendance and participation – easily run reports to monitor pupil engagement and helps school business leaders to gauge popularity and manage finances. Reports will help analyse attendance, income and expenditure.
A school activities club offers a wealth of benefits, from enhancing skills and confidence to fostering teamwork and emotional wellbeing. By integrating booking software into your club’s management, you can ensure a smooth, well-organised and efficient club for all concerned. Whether pupils aspire to be the next premier footballer or simply enjoy playing, your school activities club can be a transformative and rewarding part of their education journey.