School activities club and the role of booking software
By integrating our booking software, you can ensure a smooth, well-organised activities club
Make organising parents’ evening simple for both your teachers and parents. Reduce forgotten appointments and eliminate double bookings.
Automate your parents’ evening booking system – let us show you how the system works.
Session times are easily configured to suit you, and real-time calendar updates eliminate double bookings.
You can quickly run reports to identify pupils without a booking and then generate attendance reports and produce a schedule for the teachers.
The Parents’ Evening module is accessed online, which means you can set up your parents’ evening remotely.
Then you can schedule when the event is published for bookings to open.
You can preassign breaks for teachers and extended timeslots for specific children.
You can invite the whole school, or a single year group, with just a few clicks.
Parents view the teacher’s available timeslots through their SCOPAY account and book a suitable time. They can also leave a note for the teacher, and amend their timeslot, should they need to. The parent then receives a confirmation email.
Those with multiple children can book all their appointments at the same time, making their evening a lot more time efficient. Parents can set up alerts via email to remind them of their upcoming appointment, or notify them when a new event is published.
You have the choice of hosting parents’ evening face-to-face, or online via a video call.
Two parents or guardians can join each call from different locations, which is a great help for busy parents.
Should you need to send notifications or reminders to parents, this can be done through our Communications module.
By integrating our booking software, you can ensure a smooth, well-organised activities club
Read about this school’s experience switching from sQuid to Tucasi SCOPAY for school payments
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See how user-friendly our software is to manage your payments and admin efficiently.
One of our product experts will show you the system and our parent facing app in a live demonstration and answer any questions you may have.
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For parents: see link