Schools hold uniforms in high regard as it reinforces their school’s identity in the community. However, the new uniform rules need to be considered.
Being easily recognisable is equally important when pupils are on trips away from the classroom. For example, trip leaders being able to easily identify their pupils making sure everyone stays together.
School uniforms can also reduce peer pressure for the latest fashion. They can help children feel settled and prepared for school, but they can be costly for households and with the rate of inflation, affording branded items is an increasing worry for parents.
New legislation
Individual schools set their own policies, but the government has introduced a law, coming into effect in September 2022 regarding unnecessary school uniform costs.
The Government’s guidance to schools is to keep expensive branded uniform items to a minimum. New uniform rules allow parents to purchase some uniform essentials from cheaper supermarket alternatives, or through own second-hand uniform stores.
Set up an online uniform shop
If you are interested in finding out more. See our case study to find out how we recently helped a school set up an online shop. Alternatively, contact us and we can chat with you about how our Stock Control module could be the answer.