School dinners online payments system

Our software allows schools and caterers to take control of school dinners orders and payments as well as manage Free School Meals quickly and easily.

Let us show you how the system works.

The trusted payments and administration system for schools.

Dinner Money module gif

What can the Dinner Money module do?

You can set up menu cycles and upload meal images. Then parents log into SCOPAY to select and pay for their meal choices, or top-up account balances. Run kitchen reports and catering returns.

Making school dinners admin easier

Using this module reduces human error and improves your audit trail as everything is recorded. You can record, report and automate many dinner-related financial tasks, including generating personalised reminders, should parents fail to keep up with payments. This ensures you retain full control over your finances and easily oversee incoming and outgoing payments. Run weekly catering returns and generate Free School Meals reports.

Parents can select, book and pay for dinners in advance via our free SCOPAY app.

Minimise parent debt

To help reduce debt, parents can set up low balance alerts. Also, you can opt to only accept orders when the account is in credit. The easy reporting functionality reduces time spent checking and chasing outstanding payments. Should you need to contact parents for missed payments or send reminders our Communications module works seamlessly and messages can be sent in a few clicks.

Reduce food waste

Up to 78% of food waste in both primary and secondary schools is avoidable.

Without knowing what children will pick, kitchens find it almost impossible to avoid food wastage. Running kitchen reports to cook meals to order will massively reduce waste: great news for the finances!

Classroom Edition

With this option, you can allow pupils (or classroom assistants) to choose their meals in the classroom, via a computer or interactive whiteboard. Classroom Edition encourages healthy meal choices, and produces an electronic register automatically. It’s accessed via an internet browser, so no additional software is needed.

Classroom Edition also works with our Extended Day module.

Free SCOPAY app for parents

Parents can book trips, clubs, dinners and make payments with our free SCOPAY app.

Give your parents access to their own mobile dashboard, where they can see balances, make payments, and even view calendars, right from their phones.

Parents can also set up alerts for reminder messages, e.g. low dinner balance, by email.

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See how user-friendly our software is to manage your payments and admin efficiently.

One of our product experts will show you the system and our parent facing app in a live demonstration and answer any questions you may have.

There’s no obligation and you can ask us anything.

For parents: see link

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