Primary School
Get the most out of parents’ evening, our tips
Parents’ evenings can be extremely beneficial for parents, pupils and teachers. But can become frustrating when aspects of the process do not run smoothly
Be an early adopter school to offer free breakfast clubs!
Plans for every primary school in England provides a free breakfast club
Engaging with EAL parents
Unless you have an interpreter to call upon, parents’ evening can be difficult to manage
Electric vehicle charging points in school
This could help your school to generate additional revenue
Unlocking potential: the breakfast club funding scheme and streamlined payments
We explore the importance of school breakfast clubs, delve into the funding scheme, and discuss how to streamline payments
Straits Primary School
How both staff and parents benefited from great improvements in the school’s payments and booking processes for wraparound care, clubs and trips.
Is sending texts to parents better than emailing?
Engaging with parents is not always straightforward, is it?
Remove barriers to increase uptake of Free School Meals
A surprising number of Free School Meal-eligible pupils do not claim their school lunch.
Why is this? And what can you do to increase Free School Meal uptake?
St Pauls CofE Junior School
How the school improved their processes, saving both time and money, and introduced the easy-to-use SCOPAY app for parents.
Staverton Primary School, Wiltshire
We provided a better solution to help Staverton Primary School manage their payments, parents’ evenings, school dinners, trips and clubs
How to arrange school breakfast club activities
Schools can play a pivotal role in providing childcare. Tucasi’s Extended Day module takes centre stage
Chess clubs in schools
The Government has announced a new package to support children to learn and play chess
Efficient school meal management
In the realm of school administration, managing meal payments and orders needn’t be a complex task
Holme Community School, Cumbria
See how we helped Holme Community School to move their payments online and streamline their admin
Owslebury Primary School, Hampshire
We helped Owslebury Primary School to streamline their admin with smooth onboarding and ongoing support
Parents evening face to face or online?
How should schools choose whether to hold parents’ evenings online or face-to-face?
Benefits of pre-ordering school meals
Environmental awareness has increased exponentially. Over the last decade, a combination of activists, scientists, government officials and even celebrities have been working hard to put humans’ environmental impact at the forefront of our minds. School-aged children are already having a profound impact on the way we view our world. At just 15 years old, Greta … Read more